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How to Overcome 7 Sales Objections With Ease

Sales is one of the trickiest parts of running a business, particularly if you have not worked in the field before. There is an art to selling and it is a skill that you can fine-tune over time. It is important to take the time to master the sales process and learn how to overcome the most common objections you will hear over and over again. By understanding what is stopping a prospect from becoming a paying client, you can then begin to overcome these objections.

1. Price

Clients will often question you on price and it is important that you are able to justify the difference in cost between you and your competitors. It is a good idea to have some facts and figures ready to show them why your products or services are worth the extra investment. There is always someone out there willing to do it cheaper, but cheaper does not necessarily equate to better. Focus on your unique selling points; what makes you different from every other business out there?

2. Fear

People become set in their ways and develop a fear of change. This can make prospective clients reluctant to alter the way that they do things, so you need to outline positive examples of change. The more confidence you can instill in your prospects, the higher your chances of making a sale.

3. Complacency

If your client is just fine with the way their situation looks right now, it’s worth reminding them why they need to make changes. This could be upcoming industry changes, advances in technology or little-known facts. Show your prospect what their competitors are doing to gain an edge, and why they should follow suit. There is nothing wrong with instilling just a little fear in your prospects if what you are saying is true; remember that selling should always ultimately be helpful.

4. Lack of Trust

It takes time and sustained effort to build a trusting relationship with your prospects. One effective way to do this is through content marketing. When you consistently publish a stream of valuable content that helps and teaches your audience, they will grow to trust you and see you as an expert.

It is also important to share as many testimonials and case studies you can; prove to your prospects that you deliver results on a regular basis.

5. Familial Obligations

When your prospect already has a familial connection who may be able to help them out, it can be difficult to overcome - but not impossible. If they were the one who approached you then it suggests that the family connection is not a done deal. If you can use your stellar track record and industry expertise to prove that you are the best (or most cost-effective) business for the job, you may be able to overcome this hurdle.

6. Consulting Others

Your prospect may not be ready to sign on the dotted line just yet because they want to run the deal by their spouse, business partner or mentor. This is not always a bad sign, but you should try to stay involved with this process as much as you can. Arrange a joint sales meeting between the client and the person they wish to consult so that you can personally answer their questions and overcome their objections.

7. Bad Timing

If your prospect is too busy right now, the chances are that they will still be too busy in six months. You cannot force anyone to be ready to buy, but if your client is too busy and your services will save them time, then use the opportunity to demonstrate this. Show them that you understand just how busy they are, and that that is precisely why they need you.


It is important to see things from your prospects’ perspective in order to be able to effectively overcome their objections. Of course, some prospects will have more than one objection which is why you should strive to become well-versed in each. If you know your prospects and market well, you have a much better chance of making sales. Do your homework, and it will pay off!

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